
Yufen Chun 2021-11-05 3 min read {Lectures} [Philosophy]


《殺人回憶》(朝鮮語:살인의 추억/殺人의 追憶,英語:Memories of Murder)是一部 2003 年上映的韓國犯罪驚悚電影,由奉俊昊編劇與執導。電影大致參考南韓的華城連環殺人案,該事件發生於 1986 年 9 月 15 日到 1991 年 4 月 3 日,京畿道華城郡附近村莊,當時有 10 名女子受害,僅 1 人倖存。電影環繞著「宋康昊」與「金相慶」飾演的一對警探追查案件的過程。

現實過程是,警方只抓獲第 8 宗案件的兇手「尹城汝」,認為他是模仿犯罪的罪犯,一直未能找到其餘 9 宗案的犯人。案件在 2006 年 4 月 2 日被迫終止偵查。


多年前,類研究猿把它用於教學 —–調查和分析證據。家庭作業的問題轉載如下:

The Korean movie (2-hour) “Memories of Murder”, with English scripts, was found to have been made available at [URL given].

The movie with Chinese scripts was also found to have been made available at [URL given].

A wikipedia introduction of the movie was found to have been made available at [URL given].

Your traveled back in time. You were a Hong Kong Police Detective Superintendent seconded to work with the team of Korean detectives (in the movie). Whenever a Korean detective appeared in the movie in private life or on duty, you were with him or her.

Your task is to identify the persons whom you, not the other detectives, had classified as suspects?

Describe the suspects sufficiently to differentiate from the others (e.g. the first detective who appeared in the movie, his assistant who was dismissed from police service, the Chief of Police Station and the detective from Seoul, etc.). The English scripts do not provide names of the characters of the movie.

The suspects must be ranked from high to low, i.e. the most suspicious person is ranked (1).


  1. List against each of them the total information or data at the time when you, not the other detectives, started to classify him or her as a suspect.

  2. List against each of them the total information or data against him or her at the conclusion of the movie. In other words, (b) also includes (a).((a) is a subset of (b).)

  3. List against each of them the total information or data, if any, which exculpated him or her (against (b)).

Your answer should follow the format set out below. Words in square brackets are for explanation of the format only. If you fail to follow the format, 5 marks shall be deducted.

… (format) …


該案最終於 2019 年破獲。1994 年, 「李春在」姦殺妻子的妹妹,被警方抓獲,遭判處無期徒刑。2019 年,「李春在」在監獄承認犯下 14 宗殺人案,即是在華城事件的 10 宗案外,還有另外 4 宗。

那麼,第 8 宗有 2 個人承認獨自犯罪?



「尹城汝」坐 20 年冤獄,賠償 200 萬美金。



  1. South Korean serial killer ‘found’ after 30 years (BBC News 19 September 2019).
  2. 【殺人回憶】華城連環殺人案疑兇改口認罪 犯 14 案比華城事件更多 (01 news 1 October 2019).
  3. 【殺人回憶】華城連環殺人案爆出冤案? 疑有無辜者代罪坐牢 20 年 (01 news 5 October 2019).
  4. 【殺人回憶】韓國警方正式立案 起訴華城連環殺人案疑兇 (01 news 16 October 2019).
  5. He spent 20 years in prison for murder. Then someone else confessed to the same crime (CNN news 24 May 2020).
  6. He Spent 20 Years in Prison, Until a Serial Killer Confessed to the Crime (New York Times 17 December 2020).
  7. 華城連環殺人案揭當年偽造鑑定報告 韓男坐20年冤獄重審終判無罪 (01 news 17 December 2020).
  8. Man cleared of slaying after 31 years, court apologizes (The Korea Herald 17 December 2020).
  9. Man jailed for 20 years on wrongful murder conviction acquitted in retria (The Korea Times 17 December 2020.).
  10. Man seeks compensation for spending 20 yrs in prison on wrongful murder conviction (Yonhap News Agency 28 January 2021).
  11. Mr. Yoon Sung Yeo, who spent 20 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, will receive 2.5 Billion KRW (2.2 Million USD) in compensation (Allkpop 10 March 2021).
  12. An innocent man was jailed for murder. It took 30 years to find the real serial killer (CNA 3 October 2021).