哈佛商學院教授對畢業生講堅持夢想:「如果你要做喜歡的事情,那畢業 5 週年的聚會,你不要去,因為那時你處在最艱難時刻,而你同學們,大多在大公司裡平步青雲。同樣 10 週年聚會,你也不要去。但是,20 年的同學聚會,你可以去,你會看到,那些堅持夢想的人,和隨波逐流的人,生命將有什麼不同。」
——– 陳喜偉,《明朝大佬戚繼光》,2018,廣東旅遊出版社。 第 9 章,《種田與機遇》。
——– 羅素
——– 喬治·艾略特
——– 弗朗索瓦·佐基
An avid student of the science of propaganda, Hitler formulated several theorems about the subject that still hold true today. To begin with, he postulated, “All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligene among those it is addressed to. Consequently the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be … The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”
——– Thomas M. Magstadt, Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues. 8th edition. Cengage Learning, page 160.