
Yufen Chun 2022-03-26 2 min read {Lectures} [Philosophy]


良好的結論,來自良好的數據和處理。有了很大量的數據,如何描述它們的整體樣貌呢? 統計學提供不同的方法,可以分做 2 種,一種叫敘述統計學,另一種叫推論統計學。詮釋方式的不同,「統計學」所呈現出來的結果,有時候就不能反映模型所代表的真實情況。道理很簡單,但是,不是每個人都記得。

恩里科·費米(Enrico Fermi),物理學家,美國芝加哥大學物理學教授,對量子力學、核物理、粒子物理以及統計力學都做出了傑出貢獻,曼哈頓計劃期間領導製造出世界首個核子反應爐(芝加哥 1 號堆),也是原子彈的設計師和製造者之一,被譽為「原子能之父」。

弗里曼·約翰·戴森(Freeman John Dyson)是數學物理學家,普林斯頓高等研究院教授。戴森提出了著名的(Dyson’s transform)。

1953 年,戴森是康奈爾大學理論物理學的一位年輕教授,負責指導一小批研究生和博士後的研究工作。戴森和他的研究團隊,由理論計算得到了與費米的實驗觀測值十分相符的結果。戴森立刻坐灰狗(長途巴士)去見費米。

戴森在 Nature 雜誌上寫了一篇名為 A meeting with Enrico Fermi,在「你水管」解說了整件事 Freeman Dyson - Fermi’s rejection of our work



There are two ways of doing calculations in theoretical physics. One way, and this is the way I prefer, is to have a clear physical picture of the process that you are calculating. The other way is to have a precise and self-consistent mathematical formalism. You have neither.



How many arbitrary parameters did you use for your calculations?




I remember my friend Johnny von Neumann used to say, with four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.





Because it was important for the students to have their names on a published paper, we did not abandon our calculations immediately. We finished them and wrote a long paper that was duly published in the Physical Review with all our names on it. Then we dispersed to find other lines of work. I escaped to Berkeley, California, to start a new career in condensed-matter physics.

Looking back after fifty years, we can clearly see that Fermi was right.

And so it was Fermi’s intuition, and not any discrepancy between theory and experiment, that saved me and my students from getting stuck in a blind alley.




  1. Regina Nuzzo 的 Statistial Errors, P values, the ‘gold standard’ of statistical validity, are not as reliable as many scientists assume.

  2. Ronald L. Wassersteina 和 Nicole A. Lazar 的 The ASA’s Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose

