倫敦大學瑪麗王后學院的 2 位教授寫了 1 篇文章,題目是 On false positives in COVID19 testing again: we are being misled over confirmatory testing。Norman Fenton 是風險信息管理學教授;Martin Neil 是計算機科學和統計學教授。
文章內 2 幅圖說得非常清楚:
- 支持 “封城”所需的證據:“效益”是否超過 “成本”?
- 為什麼每天報告的 Covid-19 數據幾乎什麼都不告訴我們。
Fenton 教授有關 covid-19 的分析的貝葉斯網絡在下面:
Giles Wilkes. The doubtful case for an impossible Covid-19 cost-benefit analysis.
Andreas Eilersen & Kim Sneppen. Cost–benefit of limited isolation and testing in COVID-19 mitigation, Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 18543 (2020).
Prodhan, G (2020). Extending the range of COVID-19 risk factors in a Bayesian network model for personalised risk assessment..