Florian Markowetz. Five selfish reasons to work reproducibly. Genome Biology, (2015) 16:274 - 277.
Stephen R Piccolo, Adam B Lee, Michael B Frampton. Tools and techniques for computational reproducibility. Gigascience, Volume 5, Issue 1, 1 December 2016, Pages 1 – 13.
Tools of reproducibility
Keep your project organized, name your files and directories in some informative way, store your data and code at a single backed-up location.
Learn some tools of computational reproducibility:
Document your analysis using knitR or IPython notebooks.
Merge descriptive text with analysis code into dynamic documents that can be automatically updated every time the data or code change.
Provide a detailed, written narrative description of the process to enable others to reproduce a computation analysis.
Learn to use a version-control system like git on a collaborative platform such as GitHub.
For professionals, learn to use docker, which will make the analysis self-contained and easily transportable to different systems.
Reasons to work reproducibly
Reproducibility helps to avoid disaster.
Reproducibility makes it easier to write papers.
Reproducibility helps reviewers see it your way.
Reproducibility enables continuity of your work.
Reproducibility helps to build your reputation.